Saturday, November 30, 2019

Week Information Interview free essay sample

Template and Grading Rubric This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e. G. Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. A grading rubric is also available at the end of this document. There are FIVE steps to the Informational Interview. Step 1: Compile a list of Individuals In your target career field whom you would Like to Interview.Try to Identify people who are working at a company in which you are interested. This is a good opportunity to practice your networking skills. Let your classmates, friends, family members, and colleagues know that you need to complete an informational interview with someone In your intended career field. Youll be amazed at how effective networking can be. Step 2: Prepare a brief introduction of yourself and the purpose(s) of the informational interview. We will write a custom essay sample on Week Information Interview or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Prepare a list of open-ended questions that would be appropriate to ask during the Informational Interview. An Internet search using informational interview will provide you with many examples of questions you might want to use. Step 3: Practice your Interview with a classmate, friend, family member, or colleague and ask them to critique your performance. Identify ways to Improve based on their feedback. Step 4: Set up a day and time for the Interview. Record the Interviewees responses to your questions. Send a thank-you letter, note, or email to the Interviewee within two business days of completing the interview.Step 5: Complete the table below and submit It In Week 8. Your Name: Randy Myers I Interviewee Information I Name of Interviewee: I Melissa Johnson I Contact Information (phone number and/or email address) (Please note that we may intact your interviewee to confirm the interview. ) I Melissa Johnson Target ICC 8550 S. Priest DRP. [emailprotected] Com I Company Target I Position I Sir. Investigator I 1 OFF an Investigator are you follow up on reports and find multiple offenders. I then have to look at the M. O and figure out what the person is doing and from there I try and find out what the offender is doing with the merchandise they are stealing. A big part of my Job is to partner with Local Law Enforcement in attempt to have a case opened on the offender. The goal is then to get the offender charged with more than just shoplifting or Fraud. Weather that be fencing, or selling of stolen goods or etc.. I also help Executives with Internal Theft. I can help with the interview, reviewing video, or anything else that the Executive may need help with. I Question #2: What is your favorite part of being in this position?I Response: My favorite part about being an investigator is the feeling that I am taking criminals off of the street. It is an incredible feeling. I Question #3: What is your least favorite part of being in this position? I Response: I cannot really think of something that I dislike. If I had to choose something, I guess I would choose report writing. It takes a lot of detailed information in the report and if you are off by even a little bit the case can get thrown out. You really have to be accurate with times, days, merchandise and Just really everything.I Question #4: What is your base pay amount per year? I Response: anywhere from ask to kick. Cannot give any more information than that I Question #5: On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like your Job? 1 being not at all 10 being best Job I Response: Without a doubt, 10! I love my Job and everything I get to do. I Question #6: What is the most frustrating thing about your Job? Response: Not being able to find information during an investigation because my Job requires me to get all of the information possible. I Question #7: How much do you have to travel in this position?I Response: I really do not travel at all unless if you count going to Local Law Enforcement agencies, or surveillances on suspects traveling. I usually will not leave the state or the local area for that matter. Question #8: Do you usually work alone or with another person? I Response: There are 4 Investigators in the group which is in Arizona and New Mexico. We usually work alone unless we need help from one another. Also, if we think a situation could be dangerous, we will work with Local Law Enforcemen t. We are always working with someone weather we are alone or not.Partnering is a big part of being an I Question #9: How much experience do you have to have to get into Investigator. This position? I Response: I worked for another retail company before Target for 5 years in this position but Target still wanted me to start off as an Executive first. I was an Executive for 18 months and then was promoted to Investigator. Target wants you to understand the store level before becoming an Investigator. I Question #10: What is the lowest level degree that is required for this position? I Response: The lowest level degree required for this position is a bachelors degree.This is required from Target. I There were a couple of things that I have learned during my interview with Melissa Johnson. One of the first things that struck me was that in order to become an Investigator, I would have to spend 18 months as an Executive first. The biggest thing that I learned from Melissa was that she loves her Job and everything about it. She was so excited about her position and so willing to tell me everything about it. Melissa informed me of her core roles which was Just about exactly what I expected from the position she is in.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Approaches Used For Hiring At Walmart Management Essay Essays

Approaches Used For Hiring At Walmart Management Essay Essays Approaches Used For Hiring At Walmart Management Essay Essay Approaches Used For Hiring At Walmart Management Essay Essay These yearss the concern environment is altering persistently and everyone in the society which we know has its ain norms, values, symbols, and beliefs. Everyone is being affected or will be affected at the terminal of the twenty-four hours straight or indirectly and will hold to confront the altering concern environment. Business is all about conveying a alteration whether in itself, in the community, or heads of people because I believe the lone invariable left out in the universe is the word changeless itself. All concerns have to measure their strength, failings, chances and menaces if they want to last in this cut pharynx competition. As the universe is altering and acquiring globalized, one has to believe of ways in order to last in this cut pharynx competition but non at the cost of making something unethical or possibly illegal. This scenario has instilled in many concerns the desire to alter and do sky rocketing net incomes along with supplying lowest monetary values that they can offer. Whenever one thinks of lowest monetary values of consumer goods, the first thing that pops in our head is Wal-Mart. That is why Walmart s slogan is Save Money, Live Better . The hallmark of Wal-Mart is what you call the cheapest monetary values you can happen anyplace in the United States. Most people think price reduction retailing began in 1962 the twelvemonth that Kmart, Target, and Wal-Mart foremost opened. But really, the concatenation of assortment shops Sam Walton owned during the 1950s faced stiff competition from many regional price reduction shops. Before opening Wal-Mart, Sam traveled the state analyzing everything he could approximately dismiss retailing. He became positive American consumers wanted a new type of shop. Trusting his vision, Sam and his married woman Helen put up 95 per centum of the money for the first Wal-Mart shop in Rogers, Arkansas. In 1972, Wal-Mart went public for the first clip which means its stocks were traded at the New York stock exchange which helped the company grow from 15 shops to more than 200 shops. Wal-Mart was the first one to recognize the demand of the clients or they realized what the clients were looking for and what they wanted. As Sam Walton said in his autobiography: If you think about it from the point of position of the client, you want everything: a broad mixture of quality ware ; the lowest possible monetary values ; guaranteed satisfaction ; friendly, knowing service ; convenient hours ; and a pleasant shopping experience. You love it when a shop exceeds your outlooks, and you hate it when a shop incommodiousnesss you, gives you a difficult clip, or pretends you re unseeable. Today in the 20 first century, Wal-Mart has emerged as the most successful retail merchant in the universe. Today, 7,390 shops and nine locations in 14 markets employ more than 2 million associates, functioning more than 176 million clients a twelvemonth. Their history is a perfect illustration of how to pull off growing without losing sight of their values. Their most basic value has ever been, and ever will be, client service. This elephantine company has a different attack to engaging. The method and technique that Wal-Mart focal points is the on-line hiring. The ground being that, this method is cost effectual. When you post a occupation with your local newspaper you are charged either by the sum of lines or words. Whereas online, you have limitless infinite to depict the place and the type of individual you are looking for. It is speedy and easy to update and besides easy to redact occupation posting. Besides, recruiters can seek efficaciously and expeditiously on-line, costs are lower and Wal-Mart finds a greater range in happening possible employees. Wal-Mart takes full advantage of today s advanced engineering. The web site under callings is truly impressive and reflects a image of efficiency and effectivity of the Human Resource squad at Wal-Mart. The website under callings has been sectioned as corporate callings, shop callings, Sam s nine callings, pharmaceutics callings, optometry callings, logistics callings, and international callings. Wal-Mart is making what it does best, viz. crushing up on sellers. It s easier for Wal-Mart to alter its spouses than alteration itself, non that any attempt for the good should be disregarded, even if it is out of a demand to smooth the company s hapless public image. But allow us besides non bury, despite many of the advanced elements of this plan, that it is being applied merely externally. As the universe s largest retail merchant, Wal-Mart values diverseness and further a on the job environment that enriches the personal and professional experiences of our associates, promotes excellence, and cultivates the rational and personal growing of the full associate population. We make diversity portion of our concern program, guaranting we can go on to be a planetary leader in all facets of Diversity and Inclusion Wal-Mart is non truly good at advancing diverseness while engaging in actuality. They tend to engage largely work forces. Wal-Mart is presently a suspect in the largest class-action favoritism case in history, brought on behalf of 1.6 million adult females. And it besides has a awful record of employment patterns in general, including successful prosecution for necessitating employees to work off the clock, intending without wage. This harms the image of the company which is already celebrated for giving stone underside rewards. As a consequence of the reappraisal, Wal-Mart made 40 alterations and moved $ 60m of concern from white male to minority and female relationship spouses, seting them into a place of influence in the houses in an unprecedented move that reflected its influence as one of the biggest legal clients in the US private sector. It besides stopped making concern with some houses. Following the reappraisal, which moved $ 60m of concern from white male to female and minority spouses in the houses, Thomas Mars, Wal-Mart s general advocate, says all 100 spouses involved became more antiphonal on its diverseness issues. As Thomas Mars from Wal-Mart s general advocate said We saw an up stick in the committedness of the houses to diverseness, that included the white male relationship spouses who he says realized the company might non merely take the concern off from their jurisprudence house, but that it might take it off from them and give it to person else in the house. The direction manner of Walmart under Sam Walton was contrarian and original. As portion of Walmart direction control, Walton used to wing from shop to hive away doing personal visits. Contrarian originality is non merely a great beginning of mould-shattering schemes like those, but of a uninterrupted watercourse of new, idiosyncratic and really frequently much better ways of managing and put to deathing. WalMart s famed Saturday forenoon meetings, for illustration, are a superb agency of communicating and inspiration that has remained effectual throughout the astonishing thrust from Arkansas to universe retail leading. The direction at Walmart were advised by Walton to break all the regulations and an illustration of direction and leading at Walmart was that store helpers ( and in fact all staff ) were referred to as associates . Sam Walton s direction manner was popular with employees and he founded some of the basic constructs of direction that are still in usage today. After taking the company populace in 1970, Walton introduced his net income sharing program . The net income sharing program was a program for Wal-Mart employees to better their income dependant on the profitableness of the shop. Sam Walton believed that persons do nt win, squads do . Employees at Wal-Mart shops were offered stock options and shop price reductions. These benefits are commonplace today, but Walton was among the first to implement them. Walton believed that a happy employee meant happy clients and more gross revenues. Walton believed that by giving employees a portion of the company and doing their success dependant on the company s success, they would care about the company. The company encourages the applier to use on-line because Wal-Mart has been endeavoring for protecting the environment that is GO GREEN. They encourage appliers to cut down the use of paper by directing resume via electronic mail or printing sketch on both sides of paper. They appreciate the attempts of the appliers in back uping sustainability and protecting the environment. Besides, working for Wal-Mart is the opportunity to be a portion of a company unlike any other in the universe. It s more than a occupation ; it is a topographic point to develop your accomplishments and construct a calling with competitory wage and wellness benefits for you and your household. To work for Wal-Mart is to be welcomed into a diverse household, where the single parts of every associate are respected and valued. Above all, it is an chance to fall in a squad 1.9 million strong who is assisting the universe live better every twenty-four hours. Wal-Mart does this by salvaging clients money on the things they need for their households, their places and their concerns. They do it by making out and giving back to the communities where their clients and their associates live. And they do it by working together to work out some of the biggest challenges confronting the universe today, like the environment, energy and wellness attention. Wal-Mart is at its best when offering occupations online. Most of its hiring is done online which helps Wal-Mart protect is environment friendly image. Offering occupations online is a fantastic resource for people who like being a portion of a company that supports the Go Green factor. There are many advantages of offering occupations online. First, it is speedy and easy. Second, the occupations that are posted on-line are easy to redact, as compared to occupations that are posted in the newspaper. Last, it is cost effectual. In the newspaper, companies are charged for each word or for each line nevertheless posting occupations on-line helps Wal-Mart cut its advertizement costs. The followers are some illustrations of Wal-Mart s occupation descriptions, Shop GM Cardinal Accountabilities: Pull off the overall operations, and guarantee best-quality client service and the concern mark fulfilment ; Develop the shop gross revenues program and use quantifying direction ; Supervise the associates to put to death the standards to guarantee a unvarying and stable operation ; direct and organize the operation of assorted sections to guarantee normal operation ; oversee the executing of company client service policy ; Organize community events to construct and prolong the company s trade name and construct friendly relation ; Build and sustain good communicating with related authorities maps ; Organize, develop, put to death the preparation program to prolong the associates competence degree ; Develop tailored stage development mark and executing program for the in-store squad. Requirements: Associate grade or above ; with 7-10 old ages working experiences in retail direction ; Excellent communicating and interpersonal accomplishment ; Good work force planning and budgeting accomplishment ; Good logistic analysis and judgement ; Outstanding executing and good presentation accomplishment ; General cognition of computing machine operation, Elementary English. Store Executive Deputy GM Cardinal Accountabilities: Assist Store GM to pull off operations in some sections, guarantee best-quality service and successful execution of gross revenues, net income and stock list programs ; Disseminate and put to death the company civilization holistically ; Set up an efficient squad ; Develop, disseminate, explain and present the company policy ; Organize to develop gross revenues program for low-level nutrient sections, and guarantee the gross revenues and net income budget is beaten ; Monitor associates to put to death the client service standard purely to guarantee high quality client service is provided, guarantee a smooth operation ; Develop reasonable disbursal program and split it by sections ; Control the cost and disbursal efficaciously ; Develop people growing program of the subsidiary sections and oversee its executing Requirements: Associate grade or above ; With at least 4-6 old ages working experience in retail direction ; Excellent communicating and interpersonal accomplishment ; Good work force planning and budgeting accomplishment ; Good logistic analysis ability and reasonable judgement ; Good presentation and dialogue accomplishment ; General cognition of computing machine operation, Elementary English. Wal-Mart does supply benefits for its employees. Wal-Mart s success is the direct consequence of the dedication of their associates, and they reward their difficult work with benefits that work for them. Wal-Mart s benefits include more than medical coverage and a competitory wage bundle. They offer associates retirement nest eggs programs, pharmaceutics benefits, the chance to portion in fillips and valuable price reductions at our shops. All Wal-Mart associates go through an in-depth orientation that Lashkar-e-Taiba s them know what it means to be portion of the Wal-Mart household. This begins with a concern simulation that places new associates in the function of the client. The simulation exercising helps associates understand client outlooks and what they can make to run into and transcend those outlooks. Training and development is non a erstwhile happening at Wal-Mart. It is an on-going portion of an associate s life. We aim to supply associates with the tools and resources to assist them mount every bit high as they want to travel. Read more about preparation and development at Wal-Mart. Leaderships Out In Front ( LOIF ) is a new direction preparation plan unfastened to all salaried Wal-Mart Stores USA field associates ( Assistant Managers, Co-Managers, Shop Directors and Market Managers ) . The AIM ( Associate Investment Model ) Toolkit provides a 180-degree accomplishment appraisal, designed to clear up occupation duties and promote development. The appraisal considers non merely how one evaluates him or herself in each competence, but besides how a supervisor evaluates the same competences. When combined, the appraisal will foreground any spread between the two and supply development suggestions to help the associate in making an Individual Development Plan. Overall Wal-Mart is considered a reasonably good company to work for but of class there are some pros and cons of every company one time a possible employee looks to use in a peculiar company. Professionals include competitory get downing wage if you bring some experience to the tabular array ; direction is really competent for the most portion. Cons include Market squads are out of the cringle wholly when it comes to the day-to-day workings of a shop. Benefits could be better, but they are non that bad. Policies contradict each other frequently. Due to recent jurisprudence suits, it is about impossible to acquire a publicity as a white male. As a group we came to a decision as an reply to the inquiry that whether Wal-Mart is a good company to work for or non is that ; We think it varies from location to location because a friend of one of our group members that worked at the Wal-Mart in Englewood, Colorado perfectly loved it. It likely has much to make with Human Resource section. A director s attitude creates the attitude of their employees. We think that Wal-Mart as a whole, from our observation of articles around the cyberspace, truly needs to take a expression at whether or non their directors are keeping up Sam Walton s values and esteeming their employees. So Wal-Mart may non be the best topographic point or the best company to work for but still it is one company in the universe which can non travel out of concern for at least several decennaries, which means that it wo nt layoff its employees for any peculiar ground chiefly gross revenues. So when person gets the credence missive from Wal-Mart direction for a peculiar occupation, he besides gets a warrant of non fring his occupation because of economic system. To wrap up, we will cite from one of the statement of John Stuart Mill which is ; Which actions would hold the greatest benefits for the greatest figure of people? We would wish to reason our research with what Peter Cooper said ; I have ever recognized that the object of concern is to do money in an honest mode. I have endeavored to retrieve that the object of life is to make good.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business Ethics for Blood - Sweat and T-shirts

The Blood, Sweat and T-shirts is a documentary series that was first broadcasted in 2008 on BBC. The series was followed by six of the fashion consumers from British and were aged between 20-24. The organisers and the team member of the Blood, Sweat and T-shirts have travelled to India, lived here, and tried to understand the workplace environment. They noted the workplace, the workers and how they made clothes which are destined for the sale in the various British high street stores. In this report, the various perspectives of this organisation will be explained keeping in mind the corporate social responsibility. This series of the Blood, sweat and T shirts is basically a set up on the Indian environment and the workers who are amongst the social backward people. This series was nominated the best factual series in its category in the 2009 BAFTA Television awards (Hartman, DesJardins& MacDonald, 2014). In this report the various ethical issues, corporate social responsibility and t he ethical theory related to this Blood, Sweat and T shirt organisation will be explained. The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is a new guideline that provides hints and guidelines that provides tips and hints that helps to promote the ethical trade in the fashions industry. There is a need to create more and more people who are concerned about the different ways who can make their clothes (DesJardins& McCall, 2014). The consumers want to shop ethnically who are not sure of the different things they do. The ethical trade is regarded as the plex area that needs to show some of the new guidelines that is a simple step that might take everyone in the ranging steps. There is a need to know the ethical pest that the people need to know and it is OK about about it. There is a need to shop ethically that they are not sure of what exactly to be done. The ethical trade is a plex one that is a new one that shows that there are some of the simple steps that need to be taken on the various ranging checking that have the ETI as it’s the member of the pany. The ETI is a member o f the pany that has a sign up to that that relates to asking the various tough questions related to the fashion retailers. The CSR or the corporate social responsibility is considered as a management system where the pany integrates with various environmental concerns that help in their business operations and making their interactions with the various stakeholders (DesJardins & McCall, 2014). The business strategy and the social responsibility of the various six and young addicts in the world of fashion has an experience of their own. They are making clothes for the high street people in Britain and in the various parts of the mills and their cotton belts in the mills of the India that has their clothes stitched in their cramped back room (Crane& Matten,2016).   There is also a need to have cramped back rooms along with the sewing machine as their next sleeping machine that needs to showcase the changes that relates to their attitudes in the cut piece pricing level of the clothing. The Blurb from the reality show of BBC makes a discovery of the blog in an interesting way (Weiss, 2014).   The CSR s trategy is quite strong of the Blood Sweat and T shirts organisation and it tries to maintain every possible way that will make it prosper more in the future days. The CSR initiative is based on the three major activity of any broadcasting organization that is the planning, executing and the monitoring. Using these three main ways any organisation can reach its goal of delivering the best to their customers. There is a need to make a good CSR strategy that will eventually help the pany to bring out its best to the customers (Trevino& Nelson, 2016). The ethical theory is based on the various ways that has a leading case study of the discussion that needs to provide guideline to the various steps of the discussion in the case study. There are various moral theory that acts as the tool that might help an individual to think logically on several issues (Chell et al. 2016). There is a need to arrive at a certain point in the decision that might be defended in a rational way.   The ethical theory is termed as the mechanism for assessing the various particular actions that might be ruled and to be more precise there is need to make an individual feel and arrive at a certain levels (Ferrell& Fraedrich, 2015). The various moral theories that can be ranged are from the Utilitarianism that has their base on what is called the â€Å"morally right† on the consequences of several actions. The various theories related to deontological, has a base concepts of what is considered â€Å"morally right† based on the laws that is uni versally accepted that might exist outside of a specific situation. These are the certain approaches that differ significantly, from all the moral theories have two things in mon (Armstrong et al. 2015). In case of the moral theory there is a need to be helpful, that should provide one with the   various sources of the moral values (reasons behind why we should be moral), and it should provide a plete framework or strategy for the ranks in the moral norms when there is a confrontation of the dilemma. Some of the organizations misuse the poor workers for the sake of work and they do not even bother to pay them their right (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2015). The ethical theory for every organization is almost the same that includes not exploiting the workers. This must be kept in mind because the workers are poor in most cases and mostly their ignorance is taken as an advantage. The issues of the sustainability and labour to the various frequencies of the various debates and the seasons around the world of the ethical issues can easily turn judgmental. The morality is the objective of the ethics that has the philosophical theory of the different types that may be pared with one another. The Blood, Sweat and T shirt is one of the major web series that bring light upon the various segments of the difficulty that are faced by the poor workers (Hartman, DesJardins & MacDonald, 2014). The workers could easily be exploited just because mostly they are uneducated and the owners treat this as an advantage. The behavior that has been attributed to the various social parisons explains that the consumers are acting as the self defence that has not been viewed by the inferior to the ethical consumers. They usually do not care about the different ethical issues that have been reminded as not being acted upon. Generally, in accordance to those values while the rest feel sorry about themselves and how they lash out some of them who were not made to feel in that way to be precise (Hoffman, Frederick & Schwartz, 2014). From this report, the various segments of this report that is based primarily on the business ethics of the Blood, Sweat and T shirts have been explained. The ethical theory along with the corporate social responsibility has been explained. The various issues on the grounds of the ethical norms have been discussed. It can be easily concluded that the poor workers who are working for the big organizational pany are easily exploited because of their ignorance and are often cheated upon in terms of the payments. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., & Brennan, R. (2015). Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Chell, E., Spence, L. J., Perrini, F., & Harris, J. D. (2016). Social entrepreneurship and business ethics: does social equal ethical?. Journal of Business Ethics, 133(4), 619-625. Crane, A., & Matten, D. (2016). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. DesJardins, J. R., & McCall, J. J. (2014). Contemporary issues in business ethics. Cengage Learning. Ferrell, O. C., & Fraedrich, J. (2015). Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Nelson Education. Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J. R., & MacDonald, C. (2014). Business ethics: Decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility. New York: McGraw-Hill. Hoffman, W. M., Frederick, R. E., & Schwartz, M. S. (Eds.). (2014). Business ethics: Readings and cases in corporate morality. John Wiley & Sons. Medeiros, K. E., Watts, L. L., Mulhearn, T. J., Steele, L. M., Mumford, M. D., & Connelly, S. (2017). What is Working, What is Not, and What We Need to Know: a Meta-Analytic Review of Business Ethics Instruction. Journal of Academic Ethics, 1-31. Michalos, A. C. (2017). The impact of trust on business, international security and the quality of life. In How Good Policies and Business Ethics Enhance Good Quality of Life (pp. 127-153). Springer International Publishing. Robinson, S., & Dowson, P. (2017). Business ethics in practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Trevino, L. K., & Nelson, K. A. (2016). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley & Sons. Weiss, J. W. (2014). Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


BECOMING AN EFFECTIVE GLOBAL LEADER - Research Paper Example A total of ten questions were being asked from different level managers and administrative heads in the private service and manufacturing industries. Based on these responses analysis are being drawn. The questionnaire was oriented towards determining the individuals’ familiarity with the modern trends and concepts and also it presented questions which were aimed at finding their responses in scenarios where they may possibly be in place and making critical decisions. The essence of leadership was mutually agreed upon by each of the individual who was being asked about the questions regarding to the need of domain of leadership. Each of the reply was more or less related and coined around the fact that leader is an integral part of the organization and they serve in multiple ways towards the resolving, representing and interacting within the organization. All the questioned individuals were in consonance about the importance and need for an effective presence of leader in a given organization. The literature review part consisted of the different theories along with the concepts associated with the cross cultural context to determine the new concepts and people’s comprehension about it. The literature review part gave support to the questionnaire in a technical and official view. Literature review consisted of the actual theories that have originated over period of time along with the modern trends and concepts that are more prevalent in the current times. The questionnaire contained the part that asked about the kind of relationship and kind of leadership style which they prefer and which they feel is more suited to the need of the hour. In almost all the replies that were recorded, it was observed that all desired for a mutually inclusive and cooperative environment. Very small percentage of them supported the authoritative style of leadership. Large percentage of them supported the use of the

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Role of Public Relations in a Modern Liberal Democracy Essay

The Role of Public Relations in a Modern Liberal Democracy - Essay Example Some experts contend that the extent to which media works as a public sphere, representing the civic populace, while remaining free and accessible to all, works as a chief indicator of democracy within a political order. This stems from an old tradition that positions media at a juncture between the governed and the governors. Thus, from this viewpoint democracy appears as a relative concept, where its nature is dependent on the movement of public information. This, in turn, helps to ascertain to what extent the citizens can take steps grounded in informed decisions to make the governors liable for their activities. From the perspective of the orthodox democracy theory, the public sphere is a realm between the two distinctly separate two areas, civil society and the state, which ensures protections for each individual within the society. According to the Liberal theory, the public sphere is equal to the political sphere, and the mass media’s public role is delineated in relati on to the state. The liberal theory theorizes on the virtues of civil society's ascendency over the state (Curran 1991). Along with this, it also views the market as the process optimally suited for addressing all information requirements of society. However, as market-led information to tend to move through privatization, conglomeration and deregulation, after a certain limit it fails to meet the requirements necessary for maintaining democratic ideals of freedom and equal accessibility (Garnham 1986). Major contentions to the liberal press theories have faced challenges from the other democratic theory pertaining to the Marxist viewpoint. From the position of an orthodox Marxist, within capitalist societies, the public sphere tends to disguise the ascendency of media that does not directly confront the liberal nature of the public sphere. Instead of breaking out of the dichotomy that exists between a liberal civil society and the state, Marxism rejected all reforms within the publ ic sphere and considered socialist transformation as the only solution. In this context, to overcome the weak points as seen within the orthodox liberal democracy theory and Marxist theory, Curran suggested amalgamation of the collectivist approach with a general market approach, for democratisation of public sphere by making it more representative and accessible. Analysing mass media as a part of the public sphere from a modern perspective has helped modern liberal democracy theory to transcend the traditional civil society-state polarisation that has dictated all media debate until recently (Dahlgren 1991). Orthodox democratic theory rejected the method in which differences were made between public and private domains, which currently is the chief factor in the definition of public sphere within the realms of liberal democracy theory. The mediation role of mass media and broadcasting currently encompasses almost all areas extending from the home to the workplace (Curran 1991).  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Program assessment Essay Example for Free

Program assessment Essay Assessment is not only about measuring and finding faults, instead it should be based on the mainly ways of program improvement in order to achieve desired results. Learning should be adjusted to cater for the different needs of students, therefore assessment should assist in identifying which programs should be wiped out, which should be improved and which should be introduced. The CAS Standards has introduced several programs which can be used to improve students learning. Some of these include group or team theory and step learning. Group theory advocates for students to learn as a group, this is because students can be able to discuss together their weaknesses and also ensure all students participate in learning activities better. Step learning is also an essay program that can be implemented in leaning. The program involves designing learning in stages where students must follow as a learning process. NACADA is another body which has advocated for several core values to assist students; good examples include motivation, confidence and self discipline. These cores ensure a student is able to learn with little guidance. In addition it assists the students to be able to work smart in all their learning activities. The assessment procedure will therefore be expected to improve the learning process to be able to cater for all the students. The assessment will also ensure students abilities are maximized.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sons And Lovers :: essays research papers

D.H. Lawrence: Son and Lover â€Å"Bildungsroman, a form of fiction which allows the novelist to recreate through the maturing of his protagonist some of his own remembered intensity of experience† (Nivin, Alastair; pg. 34)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  D.H. Lawrence re-created his own life experience through the writing of Son’s and Lovers, an intensely realistic novel set in a small English mining town, much akin to the town in which he was raised. The son of a miner, Lawrence grew up with a father much like the character of Mr. Morel in Son’s and Lovers. Morel (as the father is called) is an ill tempered, uneducated, and rather crude man. A man with little ability to express his feelings to his wife and family, who love him dearly despite the fact that he was seldom cordial to any of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Lydia (Lawrence’s mother) was high-minded and pious. She had been a schoolteacher and had written poetry. She hated dirt and drink and poverty.† (Segar, Keith; pg.11)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lydia met her husband Arthur at a family function and they married only a year later. â€Å"It was an attraction of opposites which could not last. Arthur was irresponsible and poor.† (pg.11) While the two loved each other dearly, their differences caused many of the problems that arose later on in Lawrence’s life. In the novel the Mother and Father also met at a dance, where Mr. Morel’s ability to dance was â€Å"natural and joyous†, he possessed â€Å"a certain subtle exultation like glamour in his movement.† These features attracted Mrs. Morel immediately, just as Mr. Morel was attracted to her because she was â€Å"perfectly intact, deeply religious, and full of beautiful candor.† (Lawrence, D.H.; pg. 44)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Morels, once married moved to an end house on â€Å"hell row† in the â€Å"Bottoms†, just on the outskirts of the mine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The bottoms consisted of six blocks of miners’ dwellings, two rows of three, like the dots on a blank-six domino, and twelve houses in a block. This double row of dwellings sat at the foot of the rather sharp slope from Bestwood, and looked out, from the valley towards Selby.† (pg.36)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Bottoms as described by Lawrence in the novel Sons and Lovers, was, I’m sure much alike his home town, which consisted mainly of â€Å"ugly mid- Victorian shops† (Segar, Keith; pg.9) and the poor dwellings of the towns miners. The Town’s name was Edgewood, and it was not perhaps as rundown or dilapidated as the town he created for the novel, yet it was by no means advanced as a city like London was.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Operation & Production Management Exam Essay

What is operation management? What is the role of the Operation Manager? Set of activities that create value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. The role of an operation manager is to design and manage the daily operations and activities in a way that the productivity of the employees raises. It is also their responsibility to ensure that the physical and the human resources of the organization are achieved. He also ensures that the organization produces quality and goods and services are produced on time to meet the client’s time or deadline. 1. What are the 10 critical decisions an operations manager can make? Design of goods and services Quality Management Process Design Capacity Design Location Strategy Layout Design Supply-Chain Management Inventory Management Intermediate and Shot-term scheduling Maintanance 2. What is the difference between a product and a service? Products are tangible and services are intangible services are normally produced and consumed at the same time services are often unique services have inconsistent product definition 3. What is a system? Draw a process? A system can be broadly defined as an integrated set of elements that accomplish a defined objective. It is a dynamic and complex whole, interacting as a structured functional unit. 4. What is productivity? Why is it important for an operations manager to calculate productivity? Productivity is the performance measure relating outputs to inputs: Measurement of units produced, labor hours per unit, number of workers. The cost of labor, the cost of material, machine hours, etc. It is important for an operation manager to calculate productivity to determine the outputs for time period and to determine the cost of inputs to get determine the productivity rate by dividing the number of outputs by input to ultimately make most of the inputs and maximize output. 5. Create a life cycle for a Product? I have found 2 answers in relevance to this question I will provide them both please mark the relevant. 1- Concept phase: concept design ATV All Terrain Vehicle 2- Definition phase: system specification and planning Dual purpose Sport/Utility ATV with an engine of 750cc 3- Design and development phase: detailed design, prototyping and development testing Modern style exterior with lightweight and strong material covering body parts. 4- Creation and production phase: manufacturing, tooling, testing and accepting Building the atv with quality control and testing for any defaults or malfunctions regarding safety. 5- Operation: Implementing, operation & Maintenance. Introduction Phase: The introduction phase is when the public first sees or hears about a product. The product appears in stores for the first time, and people start seeing print and television ads High resolution TV Growth Phase: The growth phase is when sales and profits for the new product start rising. A company will usually keep product prices about the same during the growth stage to maximize earnings. Product quality is also maintained. Millions of sales around the world Maturity Stage: Success inevitably leads to increased competition. Other companies eventually will start introducing similar products, especially if the initial product is highly successful. Consequently, the demand for the product and its competitors will peak at some point. Many brands start making hdmi tvs Decline Stage: Demand for the product will eventually wane as newer technologies are introduced. Hence, companies can either maintain the product, sell it at heavily reduced prices or discontinue the product. New Smart 3d/tv that include hdmi gets introduced and declines hdmi tvs 6. What is quality? What is the role of quality in an organism operation? Quality has various definitions depending on the point of view it is judged from, it is mostly the customer that has the most say about if the product or service has a excellent, good or bad quality. A producer’s aim is to design for excellence but it is easier said than done. In general quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. The features and characteristics include; durability and endurance, design by appearance, value for price, performance etc. Quality plays a role in an organism operation, only some companies and corporations give it more importance. Successful operation organisms set up a quality management from beginning to end that include the organizational processes such as quality control to ensure meeting standards and processes that determine quality policies, objectives, and responsibilities. 7. Explain the impact of culture on international operations A challenge of doing operations internationally is to adapt effectively to different cultures. Such adaptation requires an understanding of cultural diversity, perception and values. Culture can have positive impact on expansion or negative impact on international operations if ends don’t meet their respective expectations.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Influence the Age of Exploration Had on the New World and Africa Essay

The Europeans, during the Age of Exploration, had an influence on both the New World across the Atlantic Ocean, and the much closer continent of Africa. In both Africa and the New World, Europeans had similar influences in that they negatively affected the natives in their search for riches such as spices and precious metals, and wherever they traveled they would spread Christianity to the natives. One example of this is when Cortes arrived in the Aztec empire he demanded they convert to Christianity, and when the Portuguese began colonizing east Africa it didn’t take long for the Jesuits to come. However the spread of diseases, the slave trade, and the economic takeover of natural goods differed in the New World and Africa. Africans were accustomed to the diseases of Europe, the natives of the Americas were not enslaved as the Africans were, and the Europeans were unable to take over the natural resources of the Africans because of their stronger government structure. In both the New World and Africa the Europeans were constantly in search of riches and devoted to the spread of the Christian faith. Christopher Columbus’s first expedition across the Atlantic was in search for spices. In Africa, they wanted precious metals such as gold. In the New World and Africa the native people had their land taken from them by the Europeans so that they could search for these valuable things. When the Portuguese were settling the east African coast they forced the leader of the Mwene Mutapa to grant large sections of land to their officials. In the New World the natives also lost land but the Europeans were much more forceful. When Cortes came to the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan a battle broke out that killed the majority of the local population. This negatively influenced both the two worlds. Another influence on the native population was the spread of Christianity. The Spanish had forced the Aztecs to convert to Christianity but when they refused, a battle broke out. In Africa Jesuits had started to come to the Portuguese settlements in hopes to convert natives. Although the Portuguese Jesuits were less violent than the conquistadors, both Africa and the New World were influenced by the spread of Christianity European exploration and colonization had different effects on the New World in contrast with Africa in regards to disease effecting society, the effect politics had on slave trade, as well as the economic takeover of natural goods in the New World. European diseases alone wiped out at least half the population of the Americas. When Columbus arrived to  Hispaniola the population was 100,000 but just 77 years later and it had dwindled to 300. Diseases had a massive impact on the New World whereas it had little to no effect on Africa. Due to the fact that Africa is so much nearer to Europe, they had more exposure to these diseases, specifi cally Malaria. African ancestors were able to build up a stronger immunity to the diseases carried be European therefore it had contact with Europe via the Trans Saharan Trade Route, it is believed that African ancestor’ exposure to many diseases created resistance in further African generations. Therefore, the African population was much less effected by diseases carried by Europeans explorers than the Native Americans. When the Europeans arrived to the Americas they were able to take the population by storm. The Native Americans were weak and defenseless compared to the Spanish, who had horses and modern weapons. Columbus himself called these people â€Å"naà ¯ve innocents.† Due to their innocence it was easy for the Spanish to capture them and put them to work in sugar cane fields. This was quite the opposite however of the slaves captured from Africa. These slaves were actually negotiated between African slave traders and the Europeans. Slave merchants were paid with East Asian textiles, furniture, and spices. This differentiates from the completely forced capture of the slaves in the Americas because Africa was already well established. The indigenous people had a strong form of government and trade was strong along the Trans Saharan Caravan Trade Route. The Native Americans on the other hand did not have a stable enough government to withstand the Europeans. Looking at this form and economical stand point, natural resources were taken over in the Americas by the explorers. They harvested all the sugar cane, gold, and silver for their own trade purposes. The Indians were forced to work the fields, not own them like before. In Africa though, due to its strong establishment, Europeans could not forcibly take resources. Instead they negotiated and traded with slaver merchants to get what they wanted: slaves who would be forced to go the Americas to be the labor force for harvesting the natural resources there. The New World and Africa were affected by the Europeans during the Age of Exploration in similar and opposite ways. Both were negatively affected in the European’s search for riches and spices. They were also influenced by the spread of Christianity by the Portuguese Jesuits and Spanish conquistadors. There were differences however in the way European  diseases effected the foreign populations, how slavery in Africa was handled compared to the New World, and the economic takeover of natural goods in the societies.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Qualitative Analysis Essays - Silver Compounds, Analytical Chemistry

Qualitative Analysis Essays - Silver Compounds, Analytical Chemistry Qualitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis Introduction: Qualitative analysis is used in the determination of the identity of a substance. It is different from quantitative analysis, which deals with the determination of the amount of a substance. In this experiment, qualitative analysis techniques are used to determine whether or not a sample contains a certain ion. When using this method, an unknown and a reactant are mixed. The result of the reaction leads to a conclusion about the presence or absence of certain ions in the unknown. Many ions react in similar ways, and although the addition of one reagent to an unknown may not identify the ion, it limits the possibilities as to what the ion could be. A sequence of reactions used to analyze a sample is called a scheme, and it usually requires a large number of reagents and separation steps. For this experiment, the unknown may contain anywhere from 2 to all of the following cations and anions: Cations Anions Ag+ Cl- Ba2+ SO42- Fe3+ PO43- Cu2+ Cr3+ The following reagents are used to identify the ions: 1M H2SO4 2M HCl 2M NH4OH (labeled as NH4+) 2M NaOH .1M Ba(NO3)2 (labeled as .1M Ba2+) .1M AgNO3 (labeled as .1M Ag+) The first four are used to identify the cations, and the last two, used in conjunction with the first four, are used to identify the anions. The identification of the ions is mainly based on solubilities. This means that something must be known about the solubility characteristics of the different ions in the presence of the available reagents. The point of the first part of the experiment is to learn which reagents cause the ions to form precipitates, and which reagents dissolve the precipitates formed by the ions. This information is used to make the flow charts for the identification on the unknown ions. For example, it is important to know that a certain reagent will dissolve the precipitate formed by one ion, while it will not dissolve the precipitate formed by another ion. This can be used to distinguish between two different precipitates present in a solution, or to confirm which ion formed the precipitate and therefore was present in the solution. When carrying out the reactions, avoid adding an excess of reagent to the solution. This is because some precipitates redissolve in an excess of the reagent. Therefore, in cases where one drop of reagent produces a precipitate, 3 or more drops could completely dissolve the precipitate without it ever being visible to the eye. This would cause a large error in the scheme developed to identify the unknown ions. Experimental: The first part of the experiment consists of reacting the cations and anions with the reagents in order to see what the reaction will result in (precipitate or no precipitate). The cations were each reacted with the first four reagents listed in the introduction (H2SO4, HCl, NH4+, and NaOH). Then, the anions were each reacted with Ba2+ and Ag+. This was done by placing 2 drops of the ion in the test tube and then adding 2 drops of reagent. Each cation was reacted with each of the 4 reagents before moving on to the next cation to be tested. Prior to performing the reactions, a chart was made like the one in the data and calculations section. As each reaction was performed, the chart was filled in with the observation of what happened. If there was no change, NR was written in the chart for no reaction. If a precipitate formed, the color of the precipitate was written in the chart. If there was no precipitate but there was a color change in the solution, that was also recorded. As each reaction was carried out, it was sometimes difficult to determine whether a precipitate formed or not. If there was uncertainty, the test tubes had to be placed into the centrifuge in order to separate the precipitates from the solution. There are some very important things to remember when using the centrifuge. First, when tubes are placed in the centrifuge, a tube with an approximately equal volume of solution should be placed exactly opposite each sample tube to counterbalance it (use a test tube filled with an equivalent amount of water if necessary). Second, the centrifuge should come to a stop before it is opened and the test

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Plan - Essay Example An attempt has been made to delineate the sales and market strategy for the restaurant. Finally the paper projects the cash inflows and outflows of Kids Bistro under different market conditions. Market Analysis Restaurants can broadly be classified into full service restaurants and quick service restaurants (QSRs). A full service restaurant offers a wide array of food and beverages options and table service. QSRs on the other hand have limited or no table service. The objective of these restaurants is to serve food to the customer as fast as possible. The concept of segmenting, targeting and positioning suggests that one particular organization cannot satisfy the needs of all the customers. Therefore different organizations strive to satisfy the unmet needs of a particular consumer segment in the best possible manner (Carpenter, 2005). The same concept holds true for the restaurant industry in the United States. Different restaurants strive to woo a certain section of the society. Th e prominent full service restaurants include Darden Restaurants, Dine Equity, and Brinker International Inc. Such restaurants generally appeal to the adults and families who intend to spend quality time together. Business meetings and small corporate events can also be held at such restaurants. Some of the QSRs which have an international presence and are also operating in the United States include behemoths like McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, Taco Bell and Subway (Business Wire, 2006). While KFC boasts of its unique taste, McDonald’s positions itself as a family friendly, kids-oriented restaurant. Outlets like Baskin-Robbins, Domino’s Pizza and Dunkin Donuts are also frequented by kids. In addition to these outlets, there are numerous local and regional players that cater specifically to the kids or have a particular attraction for kids. Barrio offers a kids meal for $7. During some promos, the restaurant offers one free kids' meal with each adult meal that is p riced $15.   Theme restaurants attempt to target a certain segment and indulge in niche marketing. Alice's Tea Cup, American Girl Cafe, Barking Dog Luncheonette, Big Daddy's Diner, Planet Hollywood, the Burger Garage and the Rainforest Cafe are some of the players in this market. Company Description The Kids Bistro will be a theme restaurant that targets children aged between 4 and 11 years. The decor and the ambience of the restaurant will appeal to the kids. Cartoon characters will be painted on the walls and light music will be played at the Kids Bistro outlets. The restaurant will use colourful plastic furniture. Additionally, gunny bags, booster seats and high chairs would be kept at the restaurant to seat other family members who accompany the kids. Kids Bistro will be operational six days a week including Sunday. The restaurant will remain closed on Monday. The theme for Tuesday and Wednesday would be ‘fancy dress’. While children would be encouraged to visit t he restaurant in fancy dresses on these days, the staff would also be required to wear non-traditional dresses. Kids will be surprised to see ‘Superman’ taking orders behind the counter or ‘batman’ mopping the floor. The theme for Thursday and Friday would be ‘jungle’. On these days, the Kids Bistro will place numerous plastic trees and vegetations alongside the regular furniture of the restaurant. Kids will get to see snakes, birds and other insects perched

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Motivation in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Motivation in the Workplace - Essay Example However, it is the role of the business owner to initiate motivation as a means to attain business or corporate goals. Motivation therefore is the impetus or force that drives us to do things this is a result of our individual desires being met so that people have the drive and inspiration to complete the task. These requirements vary from an individual to individual because everybody has their personal needs to motivate themselves (Gary, 2009 p. 29). Depending on how well employees are motivated in the work place, it may determine the effort employees put in the work and thus, increase the standard of the output. Human motivation is an individual characteristic, and not one that fits all options. Most people perceive motivation in terms of high salary this is true because some employees in the work place will be motivated by high salary. However, the wrong reason is that it does meet or satisfy others. This endorses the statement that human motivation is an individual characteristic , and not a one fits all options. The idea of motivation is very essential in business in that it has an effect on the output of business since it concerns quality and quantity. For instance, a business depends heavily on the efficiency of production employees to make sure that goods are produced in large numbers that satisfy the demand of the week. Therefore, if these employees lack motivation to manufacture the goods to meet the demands, then the business faces problems that led to disastrous results. Employee motivation has been listed by business researchers as a key contributor to increased productivity. Every effect or action is normally necessitated by some cause and this is no exceptional to employees’ performance in an organization. What drives people to work is very essential and related to the output of a particular organization. If the employees find satisfaction in the reason for their contribution in an organization, then the outcome of their efforts also improv es. Employees with good reasons to work or those motivated to work usually out perform their less motivated counterparts. Aspects listed as good or positive motivation that boost employees performance include, satisfaction as a contributor to an organization’s mission, job security, desire and room for career advancement, employees benefits and wages and enjoyment or passion for work (Bufford, 1990, p. 4). According to Douglas’ theory of motivation of x and y, people in any organization can be managed in two manner. The first way is the negative which he categorizes as x and the other way is the positive side which he categorized as y. Under the category of theory x, employees in the organization have inner dislike of work and that whenever possible, they tend to avoid work. Due to the fact that they hate working, it is the role of the managers and supervisors to force and threaten them with punishment in order to attain organizational goals. In addition, employees wou ld everything to avoid their responsibilities and do not like to be issued with directions to work (Hiriyappa, 2011, p. 59-61). This in turn can affect the business if the manager is not strict. Contrary to theory x, theory y states that mental or physical effort in the work place is as natural as play or rest. More so, it stresses that employees at work do exercise self control and direction if they are committed to