Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tips to Help You Pass Chemistry Class

Are you taking a chemistry class? Chemistry may be challenging, but there are many things you can do to help yourself succeed. Here are some tips to help you pass chemistry. Traps to Avoid So You Can Pass Chemistry Lets start out with a list of common mistakes students make which can sabotage their success with chemistry. Engaging in one or two of these may not break you, but these are dangerous practices. Avoid them if you want to pass chemistry! Thinking you can learn the math prerequisites at the same time as chemistry.Procrastinating! Putting off studying for a test until the night before, writing up labs the night before they are due, working problems the same day they are due.Skipping class.Only attending class on quiz days or leaving early.Relying on someone else to take notes.Expecting the instructor to offer extra credit or to drop a low grade.Copying the answers to the problems from someone else or from the text (for books that give the answers).Thinking a good grade early on means the class will remain the same level of difficulty or that you wont need to study later. Be Prepared for Class Chemistry is a lot harder than it needs to be if youre learning essential math skills at the same time. You should be familiar with the following concepts before setting foot in the chemistry classroom. writing and solving algebraic equationsexponentsscientific notationnegative numberslogarithmsfractions Get Your Head on Straight Some people psych themselves out of doing well in chemistry. Its not impossibly hard... you can do this! However, you need to set reasonable expectations for yourself. This involves keeping up with class and building bit by bit on what you learned the previous day. Chemistry is not a class you cram for on the last day. Be prepared to study. Take responsibility for your learning. If you are confused, let your instructor know this. Dont be afraid to ask for help.View chemistry class as an opportunity rather than a chore. Find something you like about chemistry and focus on that. Having a positive attitude can be a key to your success. To Pass Chemistry You Should Attend Class Attendance is related to success. Its partly a matter of more exposure to the subject and its partly about getting on your instructors good side. Teachers are much more understanding if they feel youve put forth an honest effort. If your grade is borderline, you wont gain the benefit of the doubt by disrespecting the time and effort your instructor put into lectures and labs. Being there is a start, but there is more to attendance than simply showing up. Arrive on time. Many instructors review concepts at the beginning of class, often indicating likely test questions and going over problems that were difficult for most of the class.Take notes. If its written on the board, copy it down. If your instructor says it, write it down. Examples are written on the board often show a method of solving a chemistry problem that is different from what you have in your textbook.Sit near the front. Its a matter of attitude. Sitting near the front engages you with the lecture, which can enhance your learning. Its easier to slack if you sit in the back. Work the Problem Sets Working problems are the surest route to passing chemistry. Dont copy someone elses work. Do the problems yourself.Dont look at the answers to problems (if available) until youve gotten an answer yourself.You may understand how a problem is worked, but dont make the mistake of assuming that is a substitute for working through the problem on your own. Work through examples yourself. Consult the worked problem if you get stuck.Write down what you are trying to answer in a problem. Write down all the facts that you are given. Sometimes seeing what you know written down this way will help you recall the method for obtaining the solution.If you get the opportunity, help someone else work problems. If you can explain the problem to someone else, theres a good chance you truly understand it. Read the Textbook The easiest way to master chemistry concepts and problems is to see examples of those problems. You can pass some classes without opening or even having the text. Chemistry is not one of those classes. Youll use the text for example and most likely will have problem assignments in the book. The text will contain a periodic table, glossary, and helpful information regarding lab techniques and units. Have a text, read it, and bring it with you to class. Be Smart on Tests You need to know the information covered by tests, but its also important to study for tests and take them the right way. Dont cram for a test. Dont put yourself in a position where you have to stay up all night studying. Keep up in class and study a little every day.Get sleep before a test. Eat breakfast. Youll perform better if you are energized.Read through the test before answering any questions. This will help you know what to expect and will allow you to identify the questions worth the most points.Be sure to answer the high-point questions. You may end up working the test backward, but thats okay. This is especially important if you are afraid you might run out of time taking the test.Review returned tests. Make sure you understand what you did wrong and how to do it right. Expect to see these questions on the final exam! Even if you never see the questions again, understanding how to get the right answer will help you master the next section of the class.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Racism, Sexism and Socioeconomic Prejudice in Harper Lees...

People are not born prejudiced. â€Å"It is something that is learned. It can be learned in the same way other attitudes and values are learned, primarily through association, reinforcement and modeling. For example, children may learn to associate a particular ethnic group with poverty, crime, violence and other negative things† (2006 Anti-Defamation League). Also, prejudice in â€Å"children may be reinforced by listening to derogatory ethnic jokes, especially when others laugh along or think theyre cool†. Lastly, children may simply imitate the prejudices of their older family members and popular friends. Prejudice is to pre- judge. â€Å"Prejudice is a baseless and usually negative attitude toward members of a group. Common features of prejudice†¦show more content†¦One of the main chaacters later on in the novel Bob Ewell accused Tom Robinson of raping and beating his daughter, Mayella Ewell. A few days later, when the case was brought to court, Tom was found guilty although everybody new that Tom did not really do it. Atticus Finch, Tom’s lawyer, had proven to the jury that it was Bob who had raped his daughter, but since Tom was black nobody was going to question it if he was in jail or not. It was clear that Bob had a grudge against Tom because he accused Tom of abusing his daughter when he hadn’t seen anything happen. Overall, racism has been going on for many yeas and although it may not be as much as of a problem it is still happening. Another type of prejudice is sexism is a problem all over the world, just as it is in To Kill a Mockingbird. Sexism is an â€Å"attitude or behavior towards people that judge or belittle them in the basis of their gender†. ( megaessay.com) women have been more effected by sexism through out a number of years, women were to only wear dresses, not aloud to work but to only stay home clean, look after the house and the children. Also they were not allowed out without a male escort and were not eligible to vote in elections. In the novel, Scoutt Finch is always dressing like a boy in overalls. Scoutt’s Aunt Alexander was always trying to get her to wear dresses and telling her to be more lady like. One day Scoutt and her brother were playing and Scoutt got upset

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Select and explain the most important factors that led to Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 Free Essays

In the early 1930’s around 5 million Germans were unemployed, in the public’s opinion the Weimar republic was to blame. The majority of the public believed that Germany had not lost the war but in fact were winning it before they were â€Å"stabbed in the back† by the â€Å"November Criminals,† the politicians who signed the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles had been criticised for causing the continual economic depression in Germany Before 1929, the majority of the German public were content with their democratic government, and did not have these views; this was when Germany was enjoying a period of relative economic prosperity, fuelled by loans from the United States. We will write a custom essay sample on Select and explain the most important factors that led to Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The period quickly ended with the Wall Street crash, which was a huge blow to Germany. America recalled all the loans that had helped to rebuild Germany’s economy, which in addition to Germany’s existing unemployment problems caused the operation of German industry to cease increasing unemployment even further. In addition, Germany’s trading relations with America were severely damaged. Without the American market, the number of exports from Germany decreased dramatically. As in the depression of 1923, the Weimar Republic was held responsible, people became angry, and the â€Å"stab in the back† theory, which was a popular idea during the 1923 depression, returned. The German public had completely lost faith in their democratic government. Germans began to turn to more extreme parties such as the communists and the Nazis. Statistics showed that as unemployment went up, support for the Nazi’s grew. In 1928, there were 1. million people unemployed; the figure had risen to 6 million by 1932, the year of the enabling act. The public’s growing support for the Nazi party was further strengthened by the death of Gustav Stresemann who died on the 3rd of October 1929; Stresemann was considered one of Germany’s most able politicians, well known for bringing Germany out of depression. This death was of huge benefit to the Nazis as, before the event, the successes of Stresemann’s policies had prevented them from gaining popularity, because the policies had always been successful in reducing unemployment, and other economic problems. Stresemann’s death meant, in the eyes of the public, that the Weimar Republic was now incapable of bringing Germany out of depression. After this event, the German’s support for extreme parties, including the Nazis grew even further. It was not only the unemployed who were attracted to the Nazi party because of this, but also people suffering from the increasing worry of job losses, caused by the depression. If it had not been for the Wall Street crash and Stresemann’s death, the German public would have been content with the Weimar Republic, and would have not have supported the Nazi’s. Once Hitler had gained popularity, he would not have been able to become chancellor without the help of Franz Von Papen, the existing chancellor in 1932. Von Papen felt that a connection with Hitler and the Nazi party would help him gain support for his own party. In December 1932, President Hindenburg made General Schleicher chancellor of Germany. Von Papen wanted a return to power so he struck a deal with the Nazis. The agreement was that Hitler would be given complete unconditional control of Germany. A constitutional change this great needed ? majority vote. The Nazi private army surrounded the Kroll opera house where the voting took place shouting, â€Å"we want the bill or fire or murder† and communist mps were not allowed into the building. After five years, Hitler used his power to extend it. It is argued however that this was just a natural succession from Hitler becoming popular after the depression and not a reason for him coming into power in itself. How to cite Select and explain the most important factors that led to Hitler’s rise to power in 1933, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Services Marketing Analysis of ALDI- Marketing Strategy

Question: Discuss about the Services Marketing Analysis of ALDI. Answer: Introduction: The following analysis highlights the marketing analysis of ALDI Australia which is a well known international grocery retailer. In spite of several challenges by Coles and Woolworths, ALDI can be able to secure its position in the international market successfully. In this research study, to analyze the market of ALDI, the nature of marketing strategy of ALDI has been presented and criticized by Porter's Five Forces model. Moreover, its current position and SWOT analysis have been briefly stated to evaluate the strategic marketing options of ALDI. Background of the Company: The well known supermarket chain ALDI was first established in the Essen town of German in 1913 as a small food shop. After that, it spread its 50th new stores and shops in Germany. In 1960, it divided into two parts namely ALDI Sud and ALDI Nord to carry out their business independently. At that time, this supermarket mainly provided fresh products namely yogurt, sausages and cheese along with fresh meat at competitive prices. Now-a-days, it has nearly more than 7,000 shops which serve approximately millions of people throughout the world (Corporate.aldi.com.au 2017). In Australia, the supermarket ALDI has started its journey form 2001 by opening approximately 270 stores across VIC, QLD, ACT and NSW. Now, it secures the top 10 position in the Australian retailers. Exclusive branded products, grocery items, and other essential products are available in this supermarket along with improved quality and competitive price. Moreover, it creates employment opportunities, new investment source, new property and logistics (Corporate.aldi.com.au 2017). Marketing Analysis: The grocery market industry in Australia is both competitive and concentrated, and it provides a tough competition to each other as well as the new entrant. In spite of these major challenges, the supermarket stores ALDI has been able to create its position. In this perspective, the strong and unique marketing strategies help them to accomplish the desired goal successfully. The nature of ALDIs Marketing Strategy or Strategies since it began: At the first stage, the well known grocery stores Coles Myer, and Woolworths captured almost 76% of the Australian market. These two supermarket chains earned approximately $55 billion profit from the Australian economy. During this period, in 2001, ALDI appeared in the Australian economy as an international grocery store. However, the situation was difficult as the foreign retailer was banned in the Australian market economy. In spite of these problems, ALDI had secured near about 4% of NSW grocery industry along with 83 stores throughout the four states of Australia in 2004. During the opening period, to crack the highly competitive and concentrated grocery market industry in Australia, ALDI mainly concentrates on providing the high and improved quality products at the lower prices. At that time, the main marketing strategies to capture the grocery market provided exclusive and unique brand products, limited range, the price changing policy and focus (Corporate.aldi.com.au 2017). Exclusive and unique brand products: The main and central focus of ALDI is to launch new, exclusive and unique brand products in the Australian grocery market. According to Ododo, Mulholland and Turner (2015), to sustain and get success in the competitive market industry, it is essential to make separate from other organization by proving new items to the customers with an affordable rate. Hence, ALDI deals a partnership business with the leading manufacturer organization to make own-brand products. High and improved quality is maintained along with low costs. Limited range: In the words of Metzger (2014), one of the successful marketing strategies is to focus on the target market and the choice, taste, and variety seeking attitudes of the customers. Now, to reduce the price of the products, the marketing strategy of ALDI is to provide the limited range of items. By following the market survey, they serve that type of products which has comparatively more demand at the competitive price. Furthermore, products are available according to their popularity, not in all sizes. As a result, ALDI can be able to capture the lead position in grocery retailer in the Australian market economy. The price changing policy: As per the view of the price changing policy, ALDI provides the lower price to the customers when the cost is affordable. However, when the cost of the production increases, it raises its price of the products. The main reason behind the fact is that ALDI does not want to serve any low quality goods at any costs. As a result, when the cost rises, they also increase the price of their products but not compromise with its quality. This unique strategy is known as the value proposition marketing strategy by ALDI which gives the positive result. On the other hand, ALDI believes in the long-term approach to capturing the Australian grocery market successfully. As opined by Van den Steen and Lane (2014), the long-term partnership, trust and responsibility with the suppliers and small business firms help to grow the new entrant successfully in the competitive industry. ALDI develops a long-term relationship and partnership with the suppliers. Though the new suppliers want to deal with ALDI with a cheaper rate for their desired quality of the product, ALDI always gives the first preference to the existing suppliers. As a result, in the future prospect, it makes a strong relation which is needed to crack the industry. Focus: The competitor of the grocery industry, Coles and Woolworths expand their business in different sectors such as liquor, online shopping, petrol and pharmaceuticals. On the contrary, ALDI only concentrates on its core business. They do not take this type of marketing strategy to expand their business. However, they launch a unique idea which makes them different from the other grocery stores. This is known as the surprise buys through which a batch of items such as computers or televisions are sold for the fixed period in the stores of the ALDI (Aldi.com.au 2017). With the help of this marketing strategy, a huge number of new customers attract towards them as they maintain both the high quality and lower price of the products. Porters Five Forces model: Threats of the new entrants Other competitors such as Tesco, Wal-Mart and Europe Lidl want to enter into the grocery industry in Australia which gives a tough competition to ALDI. It also creates a threat of copying the successful market strategies and implementation it by a better way. Threats of the substitution Due to globalization in the grocery industry, the rivals of ALDI produce close substitutes for which the number of loyal customers gets reduced (Cameron et al. 2015). Bargaining power of the suppliers With the increased number of grocery stores, ALDI lowers its bargaining power to the customers for maintaining the sales amount. Bargaining power of the buyers As there are a huge number of sellers in the market, the bargaining power of the buyers is increased, and they can shift from the one brand to the other. However, ALDI has the advantage as it sets its marketing strategy as best quality at the cheapest rate (Ausfoodnews.com.au 2017). Competitive rivalry Due to the existence of a huge number of grocery stores, the competitive rivalry is high regarding price and quality of the products (Voigt, Buliga and Michl 2017). Table 1: Porters Five Forces model of ALDI Source: (Mortimer 2016) Strategic Marketing Options for ALDI moving forward: Current Situation of ALDI: ALDI Australia forecast to increase their profit by 90 percent to the $15 billion over next consecutive four years. From 2013 to 2016, the sales of ALDI rose 60 percent to the $8 billion. Moreover, due to an increase of the stores from 373 to near about 628, the sales are estimated to reach the amount $15 billion by the year 2020 (Mitchell 2017). According to the report of IBIS World, the revenue of ALDI is $105 billion along with 4.1% annual growth in the year 2016. Furthermore, it creates approximately 332,038 employment opportunities and 2012 business in the Australian market (Ibisworld.com.au 2017). SWOT analysis: With the help of SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of ALDI relating to the marketing strategies in the Australian grocery industry have been notified along with the associated threats and opportunities. Strengths The Strong brand image along with increasing reputation regarding quality and price and the international recognition. Simple and unique organizational culture and operational system. A limited number of the quality items at a lower price compare to other stores. Maintain a good and strong relationship with the suppliers and customers. Low cost on advertising which helps to acquire the cost efficiency (Tseltsova and Bohnert 2015). Most of the staffs are well trained and working hours is less. Weaknesses The product range is limited which indicates the deficit of product differentiation. Some manufacturers do not want to relate their name which creates the demotion of the brand name loyalty. ALDI uses limited technology in their production process compare to the other competitors. Advertising policy and the public relations is not so much significant (McMillan 2013). The ability to borrow from the market is very low which sometimes hinders the potential growth of this organization. Opportunities ALDI has an opportunity to expand their business into the other markets namely house brands which are profitable. By applying the diversification methods, ALDI can be able to earn more profits compared to the rivals. Implementation of new systems helps to maintain the desired quality standards of the products (Bozhinova 2014). The increase in market penetration ensures the growth of this organization. The modern and advanced market trends along with increased number of Australian population enhance the diversification level in the business of ALDI. The most important opportunity for ALDI is the value of Euro regarding dollar is much greater than the value of Australian dollar. As a result, ALDI gets the benefits of lower price and transaction cost in the international market. Threats Organization culture is not so much significant which could resist the massive expansion of ALDI. Limited uses of the technology in the production procedure hold back to the growth of this organization. The competitors can employ new and attractive marketing strategies to capture the market. Globalization can play an important role to attract the rivals in near future. The competitive advantage does not remain in favor for the growth of ALDI. Table 2: SWOT analysis of marketing strategies of ALDI Source: (As created by author) Conclusion: From the above analysis, it can be inferred that ALDI makes a significant position in the grocery industry of Australia with the remarkable marketing strategy of providing the highest quality at the cheapest rate. However, due to globalization, the numbers of competitors are increased which give ALDI a tough competition. Thus, to make it different and sustain in the industry ALDI needs to implement new and advanced technology, more advertising policy, innovative marketing strategy and revised organizational culture along with improved public relations. Reference List: Aldi.com.au. (2017).ALDI Initiatives - ALDI Australia. [online] Available at: https://www.aldi.com.au/en/about-aldi/aldi-initiatives/ [Accessed 18 Jan. 2017]. Ausfoodnews.com.au. (2017).Aldi tries a new strategy to grow bigger market share in Australia | Australian Food News. [online] Available at: https://www.ausfoodnews.com.au/2015/05/20/aldi-tries-new-strategy-to-grow-bigger-market-share-in-australia.html [Accessed 18 Jan. 2017]. Bozhinova, M., 2014. Private labelretailers competitive strategy.Global Journal of Management And Business Research,13(10). Cameron, A.J., Sayers, S.J., Sacks, G. and Thornton, L.E., 2015. 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