Friday, May 22, 2020

Human Rights And The Lack Thereof - 2450 Words

Human Rights and the Lack Thereof in China It is clear that in China there is certainly a lack in the belief of what constitutes proper ethics regarding the treatment and freedom of citizens is. The government of China is a one party system meaning that only one political organization exists, and it is the communist party. The communist viewpoint is that society should be classless, everything should be communal in the sense there is no private ownership, and the leaders of the party are to enforce communist policies and put new ones in place in order to lean the society towards an overall goal of both betterment and equality. This does not sound like the way China is operated now. Frequently, vast and numerous cases of basic human rights violations pertaining to freedom, and a plethora of other categories are brought to the attention of the world. Even though China signed the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) outlining what rights and fundamental freedoms ever y person is inarguably entitled, China often violates these rights and the government claims that in doing so â€Å"social stability† is maintained. The acceptance of, and participation in such violations by the Chinese government makes it apparent that the best interests of the communist party, and economic prosperity are held in higher regard than human rights. Throughout the following dissertation, human rights violations in China will be explored and expanded upon. In addition these violations will beShow MoreRelatedEmployment Law Case Studies968 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Employment Law 1. Human resource dilemma number three regarding Hillsdale bank represents a classic example of religious discrimination. 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